Domestic abuse is a serious and widespread problem that impacts numerous individuals. According to statistics, 25% of women experience severe partner violence in the USA. Grasping your lawful entitlements and taking preemptive measures to shield yourself from the horrors of domestic violence hold paramount importance. 

Read on to learn about the legal aspects of domestic abuse and how you can protect yourself. 

Understanding Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is when someone living with you intentionally hurts you or your loved one. Hitting and other physical violence are major types of abuse. However, domestic abuse can also include threats, name-calling, and manipulation. Abuse can happen to anyone, irrespective of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. This underscores the significance of cultivating a secure milieu that ensures legal and emotional protection against the perils of domestic violence.

Steps to Take During Abuse

You can take the following steps to protect yourself and start healing if you are experiencing domestic abuse.

1. Reach Out for Support

You must immediately ask for help when you see the first signs of domestic abuse. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or support organization specializing in assisting abuse survivors. They can provide emotional support and guidance while also connecting you with resources in your area.

2. Visit a Lawyer 

A good attorney can elucidate your entitlements and legal recourse. They will steer you through the requisite legal actions, such as procuring restraining orders, and offer guidance in matters like divorce or custody disputes. Furthermore, they assist in amassing evidence of the abuse, a critical aspect should you opt for legal proceedings.

3. Get a Protective Order

A protective order, also called a restraining order or injunction, is a legal document that helps keep you safe from more harm. It usually prevents the person hurting you from coming near you and talking to you. You must speak with a lawyer since the types of orders and judicial processes vary from state to state.

4. Document Incidents

Keeping a record of incidents of abuse can be incredibly helpful for your legal case. Write down the details of each incident, including dates, times, locations, and descriptions of what happened. If you have any visible injuries, take photos as evidence. You can also save threatening messages, emails, or voicemails to help strengthen your case.

5. Consider Custody and Safety Plan

You might feel threatened or unsafe when you leave an abusive relationship. A safety plan can help. It might include memorizing emergency contacts, arranging a safe place to stay, and having an escape route in mind. If you have children, you must address custody and visitation arrangements. Your lawyer can help you navigate this complex process and advocate for your rights as a parent.

Domestic abuse can make you feel alienated and isolated, but you should understand that you are not alone. You can contact a reputed law firm like Tampa Divorce for help. Our legal team has extensive experience dealing with divorce and domestic abuse cases, so we can provide the support and care you deserve. Call us today at 813.370.0893 or visit us at 13057 W Linebaugh Ave Ste 102, Tampa, FL 33626.